Wednesday, July 27, 2011

MS CRM 4.0 Interview Questions - Part 1

1. When dynamic entity should be used?
Ans. The Dynamic Entity class is useful for when your code needs to work on entities and attributes that are not known at the time the code is written. However, this flexibility comes at a price. If your entities are already defined at code time, you should use the strong types provided for you in the WSDL.

2. Which is faster method to retrieve records 'CrmServices.Execute()' or CrmServices.Retrieve()'?
Ans. The CrmService common methods are faster than using the CrmService.Execute method with the corresponding message

3. When 'Execute' message is called in Plugin?
Ans. The Execute message in order to be executed whenever the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application retrieves data to populate a grid view

4. What is the Parent /child pipeline?

5. What service you will execute in plugin set as child pipeline?

6. How to create custom workflow and deploy in CRM?

7. How to create plugin and deploy in CRM?

8. Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous plugin?

9. How to debut Asynchronous plugin?

10. How will you create new organization?

11. Can u modify the business unit in CRM?

12. How you will create user in CRM?

13. What is the difference between table and filtered views?

14. How can u remove system views?

15. How can you create plugin on converting lead to contact/account/opportunity event?

16. How can you deploy plugin and what are the options (settings) available while configuring (deploying) plugin?

17.  How to use impersonation in plugin?

18. How to define default parameter in CRM reports?

19. What web services available in CRM?

20. Which interface you will inherit to create plugin and how will u add your code?

21. If your asynchronous plugin is not working second time then what could be possible reason?

22. How will you handle the exceptions in plugin?

23. How will you check the error detail if any exception come in CRM?

24. How many types of relationships available in CRM?

25. What is the cascading?

26. Will you get the PreImage in create plugin, and PostImage in delete plugin?

27. What are the privileges required for the plugin registration
Ans: The system user account under which the plug-in is being registered must have the following organization wide security privileges:


Note: The System Administrator and System Customizer roles have these privileges

28. How will you create web services in a plugin used in a child pipeline?

29. How you can add button on grid tool bar?

30. How you can add custom .aspx page in CRM?

31. Can you call plugin from custom button?

32. How many tabs can be added in a CRM page?

33. Can you add more then 8 tab in CRM?

34. Which method is faster RetrieveMultiple or FetchXml, which one should use and why?

35. How can we get data from multiple entities?

36. Difference between Retrieve and RetrieveMultiple?

37. How many events are available to change the form properties on CRM form?

38. How many services are available in CRM?

39. What is the default database structure when CRM is installed? (How many databases are created?)

40. How you can run workflows?

41. Describe Collision Rules for Import and Export or what are the Import Customization Conflicts?

If there are conflicts between objects in the import file and the target system, one of the following actions is taken:

Overwrite. The object definition in the import file overwrites the object on the target system.
Error. A SOAP exception that contains the error code is thrown.
New Object. A new object is created on the target system with the same name.
Skip. The object definition in the import file is skipped.

Retrieve single record from an entity using JavaScript in MS CRM 4.0

Here is a JavaScript method which can be used to retrieve a record from an entity using CRM Web Service. This method can be used to retrieve data from any CRM entity. It requires following parameters to be passed:
1.       entityName: Then schema name of an entity to be retrieved.
2.       entityId: record id form an entity.
3.       attributes: Array of attributes to be retrieved.

function RetrieveEntity(entityName, entityId, attributes)
    var result = null;
    if((entityName != null) && (entityName.length > 0)
    && (entityId != null) && (entityId.length > 0)
    && (attributes != null) && (attributes.length > 0))
            var ColumnsSetAttributes = '';
            // Build columns to be retrieved
            for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)
                ColumnsSetAttributes += " <q1:Attribute>" + attributes[i] + "</q1:Attribute>";
            var XmlHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
            "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">" +
            GenerateAuthenticationHeader() +
            " <soap:Body>";   
            var RetrieveXml = XmlHeader +
            " <Execute xmlns=''>" +
            " <Request xsi:type='RetrieveRequest' ReturnDynamicEntities='true'>" +
            " <Target xsi:type='TargetRetrieveDynamic'>" +
            " <EntityName>" + entityName + "</EntityName>" +
            " <EntityId>" + entityId + "</EntityId>" +
            " </Target>" +
            " <ColumnSet xmlns:q1='' xsi:type='q1:ColumnSet'>" +
            " <q1:Attributes>" +
            ColumnsSetAttributes +
            " </q1:Attributes>" +
            " </ColumnSet>" +
            " </Request>" +
            " </Execute>" +
            " </soap:Body>" +
            " </soap:Envelope>" +

            var RetrieveRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
            RetrieveRequest.Open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/CrmService.asmx", false);
            RetrieveRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
            RetrieveRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", RetrieveXml.length);
            var RetrieveResponseXml = RetrieveRequest.responseXML;
            //Check for errors.
            if((RetrieveResponseXml == null) || (typeof(RetrieveResponseXml) == "undefined"))
                alert("Error: No response received.");
                var errorContactIdCount = RetrieveResponseXml.selectNodes('//error').length;
                if(errorContactIdCount != 0)
                    var msg = oXml.selectSingleNode('//description').nodeTypedValue;              
                    //select the node text
                    var QueryBusinessResponseXml = RetrieveResponseXml.selectNodes("//BusinessEntity");
                    result = QueryBusinessResponseXml;
            alert('Error occurred: ' + e.description);
    return result;

Example: Retrieve name from a contact record:

//Example: To retrieve name from a contact
var EntityName = "contact";
var EntityId =  crmForm.ObjectId;//contactid
var AttributeList = new Array();
AttributeList[0] =  "name";

var responseXml = RetrieveEntity(EntityName,EntityId,AttributeList);

if(responseXml != null)
    //Get Investor Activity Id from response xml.
    var ContactNameNode = responseXml[0].selectSingleNode("//Property[@Name='name']");
    var CotactName = '';
    if(ContactNameNode != null && ContactNameNode.childNodes[0] != null)
        CotactName = ContactNameNode.childNodes[0].text;

Sunday, July 24, 2011

How to show related records as Multi Select Checkbox List in MS CRM 4.0 through JavaScript

Natively MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 displays many-to-many relationships as Associated Views. We cannot display records from related entity at any other place on the other entity.  To display related records as check boxes on CRM form we need to either create custom web page or write JavaScript.
Following are the steps to create a Multi Select checkbox list to display related record on CRM Form through JavaScript:
1.       Create a many-to-many relationship
2.       Add OnLoad event on CRM Form
3.       Add OnSave event on CRM Form
4.       Associate/De-associate Inquiry from Client Request through Create and Update Plugins
Create two new custom entities and add many-to-many relationship between them:
1.       Create a new entity called Inquiry.
2.       Publish the Inquiry entity.
3.       Create an another entity called Client Request
4.       Add a section on the CRM Form called ‘Inquiries’ to display list of inquiries.
5.       Create a N:N relationship from Client Request to Inquiry entity.
6.       Publish the Client Request entity.
7.       Open Inquiry entity and add some new inquiries.
Now entities are configured and having some sample data. We are now ready to add JavaScript code on CRM Form to display Inquiry options on Client Request entity as a check box list.
Add an onLoad event on Client Request entity to display Inquiry options as check box list:
1.       Using CRM Web Services, retrieve all inquiries from Inquiry entity. (How to retrieve multiple records through JavaScript )
2.       Using CRM Web Services, retrieve all selected inquiries from relationship table which is created by CRM automatically when we create a many-to-many relationship.  Select only inquiries which are associated with current Client Request. This should be done only in case of retrieving Client Request. Check the FormType property of CRM Form and if Update mode then only retrieve selected inquiries. ( How to retrieve multiple records from link entity through JavaScript )
3.       Call “GenerateMultiSelectList()” method and pass the list of all inquiries and list of selected (associated) inquiries and the name of element (location) where to display checkbox list.
Add an onSave event on Client Request entity to save selected inquiries:
1.        Call “SaveMultiSelectList()” method and pass the section name, in our case ‘inquiries’. This method will provide you following semicolon (;) separated lists:
a.       List: This provides Inquiry ID list of all inquiries
b.      SelectedList: This provides Inquiry ID list of selected inquiries
c.       SelectedNameList: This provides Inquiry Name list of selected inquiries.
2.       Now you have to set each list in any of the CRM field to save into CRM database
Associate/De-associate Inquiry from Client Request:
1.       Now finally you have to associate or de-associate inquiries from Client Request based on the user selection. For this purpose you need to create plugins on Create and Update message and add/remove. Use ‘ AssociateEntitiesRequest’ class of CrmService to add a link between Inquiry and Client Request entity instances for a many-to-many relationship.  A complete example is given in CRM SDK at MSDN( )
OnLoad JavaScript Code:

//Method to remove all child nodes from an html element
function RemoveAllChilds(element)

//Method to generate check boxes and display them into an area specified and make the default selection
// parentArea   : An HTML element where checkboxes will be added
// checkBoxList : List of items that will be displayed as checkboxes
// selectedList : List of items that will be selected by default
// listType     : Name or type of the list
function GenerateMultiselectCheckboxes(parentArea, checkBoxList, selectedList, listType)

    // Clear the container element
    tableTag = document.createElement("table");
    tableTag.setAttribute("id","tbl_multiselect" + listType);
    tbodyTag = document.createElement("TBODY");
    var NoOfOptions = checkBoxList.length;
    var NoOfRows = 0;
    if(NoOfOptions <= 4)
        NoOfRows = 1;
        NoOfRows = (checkBoxList.length /4);
    for(var iRow = 0; iRow <  NoOfRows; iRow++)
        mycurrent_row = document.createElement("tr");
        for(var iCell = 0; iCell < 4 ; iCell++)
            var addInput;
            var OptionIndex = iCell + (iRow * 4);
            if(OptionIndex < NoOfOptions)
                var pOption = checkBoxList[OptionIndex][1];   
                var cellId = checkBoxList[OptionIndex][0];
                if(selectedList != null && typeof(selectedList) != "undefined" && selectedList.indexOf(cellId)> 0)
                    addInput = document.createElement("<input type='checkbox' CHECKED  style='border:none; width:25px; align:left;' />" ); 
                    addInput = document.createElement("<input type='checkbox'  style='border:none; width:25px; align:left;' />" ); 
                var addLabel = document.createElement( "<label style='align:left;' />");   
                addLabel.innerText = pOption;
                mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td");
                mycurrent_cell.setAttribute('align', "left");
                mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td");
                mycurrent_cell.setAttribute('align', "left");
                currenttext = document.createTextNode("");
    return tableTag;


// Method to generate Multi Select List based on the list of items
// list         : List of items to be displayed as multi select check boxes
// selectedList : List of items to be selected by default
// listType     : Name of the control which will hold the multi selct list, this should be unique on the CRM.
function GenerateMultiSelectList(list, selectedList, listType)
    var row_MultiSelect = document.getElementById("tr_multiselect" + listType);
    var cell_MultiSelect = null;
    if(row_MultiSelect != null && typeof(row_MultiSelect) != "undefined")
        cell_MultiSelect = row_MultiSelect.childNodes[0];
        if(cell_MultiSelect == null || typeof(cell_MultiSelect) == "undefined")
            cell_MultiSelect = document.createElement("td");
            cell_MultiSelect.setAttribute('id', "td_multiselect" + listType);
            cell_MultiSelect.colSpan = 4;
        //Find the container element which will hold the multiselect list.
        var arrTD = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
        var FieldContainer = "";
        for(var i = 0; i < arrTD.length; i++)
            currTD = arrTD[i];
            if(currTD != null && typeof(currTD) != "undefined" && currTD.innerText.toLowerCase() == listType.toLowerCase())
                FieldContainer = currTD;
        parentArea = FieldContainer.childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
        row_MultiSelect =  document.createElement("tr");
        row_MultiSelect.setAttribute("id", "tr_multiselect" + listType);
        row_MultiSelect.setAttribute("vAlign", "top");
        cell_MultiSelect = document.createElement("td");
        cell_MultiSelect.setAttribute('id', "td_multiselect" + listType);
        cell_MultiSelect.colSpan = 4;
    var containerTable = GenerateMultiselectCheckboxes(cell_MultiSelect, list, selectedList, listType);

function GetListFromXmlResponse(responseXml)
     var arrListItem = new Array();
    if(responseXml != null)
        for(i = 0; i < responseXml.length; i++)
            arrItem = new Array(responseXml[i].childNodes[0].text,responseXml[i].childNodes[1].text);
            arrListItem[i] = arrItem;
    return arrListItem;


//Retrieve all inquiries
var responseXml = RetrieveMultiple();

InquiryList = GetListFromXmlResponse(responseXml);

//Note: List type should be same as section name where you want to display the Inquiries as check boxes;
GenerateMultiSelectList(InquiryList, null,"inquiries");

OnSave JavaScript Code:

var List = '';
var SelectedList = '';
var SelectedNameList = '';

function SaveMultiSelectList(listType)
    var tbl_MultiSelect = document.getElementById("tbl_multiselect" + listType);
    var CheckBoxList = tbl_MultiSelect.getElementsByTagName("td");
    if(typeof(CheckBoxList) != "undefined" && CheckBoxList != null && CheckBoxList.length > 0)
        for(i = 0; i < CheckBoxList.length ; i++)
            var CheckBox = CheckBoxList[i];
            if(typeof(CheckBox) != "undefined" && CheckBox != null && CheckBox.childNodes.length > 0)
                if( != null && != 0)
                    var Id =;
                    var IsChecked = CheckBox.childNodes[0].checked;
                    var Name = CheckBox.childNodes[1].innerText;
                    List = List + ";" + Id
                        SelectedNameList = SelectedNameList + ";" + Name;
                        SelectedList = SelectedList + ";" + Id;
